Earn up to £100k/ per year, working mostly from home!

Is the NHS wearing you out?

Do you find yourself working longer hours, leading to less time and energy with your family and friends?

Are you being appropriately rewarded for your level of expertise and experience?

Are you being adequately respected by your peers and patients?

Is your mental and physical health suffering as you progress through your chosen career?

Are you relying on a single source of income which is a risk if you could not work in a clinic?

Why become an expert witness?

Enhance your career and earning potential without further qualification.

Work from home (or anywhere in the world with internet access) so you can spend less time commuting and limit the time in a hectic clinic environment to improve your work-life balance.

If you have 4-8 hours per week for expert witness work you can earn over £50k per annum in addition to your existing income.

Once you have over 10 years of clinical experience you are an expert in your field. Now is the time to leverage what you already know.

Improving your knowledge of medico legal matters will strengthen your clinical career as you learn to avoid the pitfalls of clinical negligence.

Get more respect from your colleagues as your career significantly advances.

  • £650 million estimated Clinical Negligence market value in 2019

  • £4bn estimated Personal Injury market in 2019

  • 6500 estimated number of medical expert witness in the UK

Expert Witness Secrets Book

Distribution Partner

  • Writes 200+ expert reports per year

  • Completed mandatory training for University Certification, Cardiff University

  • Trainer to medical consultants in 10 sub-specialties

Dr Sandeep Senghera will help you overcome the 5 biggest obstacles to getting started in becoming an expert witness.

  1. Fear of being under qualified

  2. Not sure where to start

  3. Unsure they have enough time / fear of overwhelm

  4. Fear they need medico legal training to get started

  5. Limited access to expert witness training resources

You have more relevant knowledge than you think.

  • Monetise that knowledge and experience and help the courts with resolving civil dispute matters.

  • Have more time for yourself, family, and friends.

  • Be more respected by your peers.

Increase your income and rely less on one source.

  • Converting your clinical experience and niche knowledge into a side income.

  • Work from anywhere at any time leveraging the knowledge you already have as a doctor.

  • Our target is to ensure you can complete a full report in less than 90 minutes and earn around £300 per hour.

Let Dr Senghera, British Medical Experts founder and director and very experienced expert witness, share with you what he learned from his more than 10 years of expert witness experience.

Personal Injury - Trips, falls, road traffic accidents, and workplace injuries are increasingly common. Providing courts with expert opinion and prognosis on the impact of trauma is critical to achieving resolution for the claimant or defendant.

Medical Negligence - A rapidly expanding sector. Help establish a breach of duty and causation.

Desktop Reports - Analyse medical records to establish on the prognosis of a client following medical or dental treatment.

British Medical Experts delivers high quality expert reports across England and Wales. With almost a decade of experience we can get you off the ground and creating income in return for your clinical experience and knowledge.

Copyright © 2023 British Medical Experts
